About Us
Hi, we call ourselves the P.E. Gang. Physical Education is our favorite class. Our P.E. teacher, Mr. Fitter, teaches us all different ways to show good character and stay active. We also learn why it’s so important to stay physically fit. We are always looking for new kids to join our gang. In our P.E. Gang, everybody gets to play and we don’t care who wins or loses as long as we are having fun.
Why Your Child Has P.E.
Quality physical education programs, can enhance all aspects of development. By gaining early success in the basic physical skills and concepts, your children will feel better about their ability to participate in recreational activities;
For Teachers
Hi, my name is Anthony Vekich I have been coaching sports and teaching elementary physical education over 20 years. With the help from several classroom teachers we have developed character education lessons and workbooks for grades K-5.
Join The Club
To be a member of the P.E. Gang students have to complete the P.E. Gang workbook for their grade level. Students have to be asked by their teacher and follow the P.E. Gang motto, which states: I promise to always play fair, work together and encourage.